Wsa English Homework's Blog

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Exercises on writing- formal and informal language. August 21, 2009

Filed under: 1 — wsaenglishhomework @ 8:36 pm

Dear students,

As promised, here is the answer the exercises set as homework!

“-Well I don’t mind telling you that I turned out pretty angry. I told him that if he thought I was going to put up with another six months of being messed about by the City Council ant taunted by screaming parrots he had another think coming. I told him it was his job to bring back peace and quiet to the neighborhood. Well, 12 months have gone by now and the council hasn’t got anything done about it.

Recently, things got worse when Mrs Pear joined in. We used to get on with her ok, but then we fell out when it made out she was the one that kept phoneing the police about us, saying that we had threatened to kill the birds…”


Check your answers and post any doubt you have.

Just to remember, you’re supposed to organise your ideas concerning a composition, and to write the first paragraph, including, obviously, the thesis statement.

See you all tomorrow!


2 Responses to “Exercises on writing- formal and informal language.”

  1. izabela Says:

    hi, my name is izabela I’m 19 yars old, I’m a student.
    I love to go out with my friends.
    I study english because I wanna travel to many places in the world, I study english for a 3 yars, and now I need to improve more my english vocabulary.


  2. adriani Says:


    it´s hard put some expressions in the correct form (past or future) I put few ones right words in correct form.
    But I try!

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