Wsa English Homework's Blog

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My Story October 28, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — wsaenglishhomework @ 10:14 pm

I am 14 years old and I have been a good kid. I have always gotten good grades, and have always been close to my parents. This year was my first year at the High School. I met new friends, some of them I wish I had never met. Last September I tried my first cigarette, and from that time on I smoked quite often. Two months before I had actually gotten drunk for the first time. I was thirteen years old and I had already started drinking and smoking. And the worst of all was coming. I met two new friends who introduced me to marijuana. I liked it and couldn’t wait to try it again. Every weekend my friends and I would get the marijuana and smoke all night. We enjoyed ourselves together. In the meantime my school grades were dropping and I was slipping away from my family. But do you think I really cared? Not really. As long as I had my friends, my popularity and my drugs, it was all good. Skipping school became an adventure too. I was on the wrong way and I knew it.
In February my family found out everything: from the smoking cigarettes to taking drugs with older guys. They found out everything that you would never want your parents to discover. It was terrible for me. I had never seen my dad cry before. My brother wept, my mother wept and so did I. What a putdown I was to my family. I was an awful person.
I huffed glue a little while after I got caught but I’m totally clean now. I haven’t touched any drugs, beer or cigarettes for about six months. For me this is a record and I am proud of myself and determined to keep it.
The reason I wanted to write this story is to let you know that it takes one cigarette, one sip of beer and one hit to change your life: you steal money, lose your real friends, hurt your family and destroy your health. In short, you destroy yourself. Well, I am OK now. I am doing much better in school. I have met new friends and my parents and I have been closer than ever.
Thanks for reading my story.